As a small business in a large city our stand as a car gallery we value small business atmosphere and have made a name for ourselves with significantly high performance business features. Affordable priced quality used cars for new registrations and pre-used vehicles at Ahmet Oto we care about finding the right car the right deal to suit you and your budget. Defining vehicle types of makes and models on offer with a range of select second hand vehicles and new registrations including electric cars. Find the perfect car by body-type, economical 2/4 door hatchback to luxury saloon to high performance coupes. Station to luxury sports, crossovers to SUV’s, a wide portfolio of cars with a cutting edge to being you just the right car and special offer deal. Established since 2012, Ahmet Oto, runs by the director of Ahmet Ozsoylular includes experience in all aspects of the automobile business. This eco-friendly gallery comes with speed and know-how for the expertise necessary to offer his customer base a fast delivery commitment of competitively priced range of quality used cars with a no nonsense stress-free process from sourcing quality cars, to car sales to auto financing. Brands: Nissan, Toyota, Mazda, Honda and Isuzu Types: SUV’s, saloon hatchbacks, double cabins, eco-friendly cars, sport utility vehicles and station wagons Specializes in: 24/7 Emergency service available; courtesy car available if your car remains at the service garage for 3 days or more. Certification: Authorized auto car showroom with a 3 year warranty guarantee, 1 year engine guarantee and a high quality vehicles assurance. Services: Car servicing, auto parts, bodywork, finance solutions.
July 3, 2024July 3, 2024