Cyprus is an island that bathes in rich history with many ancient places that are well worth visiting, such as the Salamis Ruins with the Royal Tombs. This ancient cemetery dates back to the 7th and 8th centuries BC and consists of a scattering of 150 graves spread out over the wide field. Some even date back to the 11th century BC, suggesting that for some time Salamis coexisted with Enkomi, where archaeological excavations have shown that the earliest settlements were made during the Middle Bronze age, around 1800BC. Kings and nobles were buried here with their favoured worldly possessions. The skeletons of horses, buried complete with chariots, can still be seen at the entrance to several of the tombs, thought to have been sacrificed as grave goods, to ensure their owners were able to ride their favourite mount in the afterlife. There were also human sacrifices, most likely slaves who could continue to serve their masters in the afterlife. Other extravagant grave goods have also been recovered, including furniture decorated with ivory, large cauldrons, and amphorae containing olive oil or honey. The museum on site contains some of the treasures found during excavations at the Royal Tombs, although most are now elsewhere, for example in the Cyprus Museum in south Nicosia. The Royal Tombs are located just west of the site of Salamis itself, slightly inland, off the main road that travels along the coast.